How to Live a Joy-Filled Life Despite Being an Overwhelmed Working Mom

How to Live a Joy-Filled Life Despite Being an Overwhelmed Working Mom
Women have been pushing boundaries and doing more than ever before. This is particularly true for moms who are working hard to give their families a better life than they had. It’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed – it’s not easy to juggle the demands of work, family, and everything else! But here’s the thing: you don’t have to sacrifice your joy in order to be successful. Read on as we explore how you can live a joy-filled life despite being overwhelmed.

Make Time for Self-Care
It might seem counterintuitive, but self-care is essential if you want to manage your overwhelm and continue living a joy-filled life. We tend to think that self-care means pampering yourself with spa treatments or expensive vacations, but it doesn't have to be so complicated (or costly!). Instead, make it a point to do something every day that nourishes your soul and brings you joy even when things get tough. This could mean taking five minutes each morning for meditation or journaling or playing with your kids after dinner. The important thing is that you make time for yourself each day so that you can recharge and stay balanced.

Find Your People
No matter how busy your schedule gets, try to find at least one person in your life who “gets” what you’re going through; someone with whom you can share your struggles without feeling judged or ashamed. This could be an old friend who has been there since the beginning or someone new who has similar experiences and goals in life. Having this kind of support system will help boost your morale during times when you feel like giving up and remind you that you are never alone in finding joy amidst overwhelm.

Say No When Necessary
As working moms, we often feel obligated to say yes all the time—whether it's agreeing to take on extra work projects or joining another PTA meeting—just because we want our families and colleagues to think highly of us. But saying yes all the time comes at a cost—our own happiness! So remember this: You don't have to say yes all the time; it's perfectly okay (and necessary!)to set boundaries, prioritize what matters most, and decline certain requests if need be. Doing so will help reduce stress levels which will ultimately lead to greater long-term joy in life!

Living a joyful life despite being an overwhelmed working mom is possible—you just need the right perspective! Make sure that self-care is part of your daily routine and find people who understand what you're going through; also resist the urge to say yes all the time so that you can focus on what really matters most! With these small changes, we are confident that any working mom can find peace amidst chaos and live a more fulfilling life overall. 

Want to surround yourself with likeminded busy women seeking joy? Join our facebook community Joy for Everyday Women 

Interested in practicing spiritual disciplines but don’t know where to start? Get my guide Cultivate Joy by practicing spiritual disciplines and How to Get Started HERE

The Meaning of Gratitude

The Meaning of Gratitude
Everyone loves to say they're grateful, but how much do we really understand what gratitude truly means? Believe it or not, there's more to being thankful than saying a simple "thanks"! Gratitude isn't just about the good stuff; it also involves accepting help and understanding why having those things is so important. Are you curious enough yet? Keep reading for the lowdown on true gratitude -- trust us when we tell ya that incorporating this into your life will be beneficial!

Feeling Bloated? Here's How to Tell If Your Gut is Unhealthy

Feeling Bloated? Here's How to Tell If Your Gut is Unhealthy
It’s no surprise that the gut has been called the ‘second brain’ - it’s the key to keeping your body healthy and functioning. But how do you know if your gut is unhealthy? Sure, bloating and indigestion are good indicators, but there are signs that can be a little more subtle. Let’s look at what they are and how to tell if your gut needs some TLC. 

1. Skin Problems – Did you know that what happens in your gut can affect your skin? In fact, sometimes skin issues like acne, hives, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea can all be caused by an unhealthy gut. Why? Because when bacteria or yeast over proliferates in the intestines it can throw off the balance of other bacteria and cause inflammation which leads to skin issues. 

2. Mood Swings – An unhealthy gut can also lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression because poor digestion leads to poor absorption of vitamins and minerals which directly affects our moods. Plus, an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines has been linked to neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. 

3. Weight Gain – A healthy gut is essential for digestion so if yours isn't working properly then you're not going to be able to break down food properly which means you're not going to absorb all of the nutrients from it either - leading to weight gain! Plus, an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive tract will also lead to cravings for sugar or processed foods which further contribute to weight gain. 

If you experience any of these symptoms then it's time for some serious self-care! Start by incorporating probiotics into your diet - these are live microorganisms found in fermented foods such as yogurt or kombucha that help restore balance in your intestines as well as boost immunity - plus they taste great too! Also make sure you're getting plenty of fiber from fruits and vegetables which helps keep things moving along smoothly (if you know what we mean). Taking care of your gut is essential for overall health so make sure you pay attention to those signs that something might be amiss!


Remember we are in this together!!! So let me make it easy for you!! Below are the products and programs I use to support my gut and overall health. Feel free to click through and get started with any one of them.  If you do, then I’ll add you to my private member only groups that will provide the community support you need to be successful.

Wanna get the same probiotics and fiber supplements I use?? Check them out HERE.  Once you get it I will personally help you figure out what to do next!

For gut health, nutrition and reducing inflammation: 
It's totally free program called the 11 Day Jumpstart 🙂 (all you have to pick up is the few vitamins and minerals you'll need to do the jumpstart) This is the last time you will ever need to "diet", and it starts again soon so just let me know if you're in,(either by message or email) and I'll get you the details of what you need, and what the program entails. Need just a little more information about what you get for FREE??? Check it out HERE.

As always if you haven't joined our online community Joy for Everyday Women, CLICK here to do so.  

4 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing (and Two Will Definitely Surprise You!)

4 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing (and Two Will Definitely Surprise You!)
So, you're on a journey in the name of emotional wellbeing - let's get started! Supporting your mental health is vital, and while life can be tough all too often, there are natural and effective ways to support yourself. Here are four ways you can maintain your mental equilibrium right away! Two of them may surprise you

Joy for Everyday Women: It's Your Right!

Joy for Everyday Women: It's Your Right!
When it comes to self-care, go with what makes YOU happy - 'cause there's no one size fits all! Whether that be mashing out some downward dogs or curling up in bed with a good book, make time for something special. It'll leave you feeling totally refreshed and ready take on the world without burnout getting in your way
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