OOOO Boy it’s hot! We’ve been having ice cream just about everyday. It’s a special treat that really hits the spot on hot day. Who am I kidding? Those of you who know me, know I love ice cream! I eat it year round. I’ve had ice cream for breakfast. We have ice cream for dinner occasionally at my house. That makes me the cool house sometimes:). Dairy has calcium and protein. It works right?!? I get it honestly. My grandma has some nightly before bed.
My favorite right now……fudge ripple, Reese’s pieces sundae! Just layer your chocolate syrup, melted peanut butter (yes you can melt it in the microwave and pour it over YUM!), whipped cream if you want and Reese’s pieces over the top of fudge ripple ice cream. Delicious!
I learned quite a bit working my first job at an ice cream shop and restaurant. It’s were I got the inspiration for my sundae. One of the things I learned was that businesses used generic products to cut costs. Growing up we used generic brands at my house because it was essential to being able to feed everyone. Some how I assumed businesses, restaurants, would use the best products (for me that equated to expensive). Most of us do it though, right, to save some change here and there on products. The change adds up to dollars and we save some cash. There are a few things that I am brand loyal too though. For instance, I like quaker oats oatmeal. I’ve tried all the generic versions and I don’t like them. The size and texture of the oats change the taste for me. Most things, though, I go for the generic. Even ice cream!
What I don’t skimp on are my essential oils. There are lots out there that claim to be pure. I’ve learned though that most of those cheaper oils are not pure. They have been over processed and include unnecessary ingredients and in some cases preservatives. I’ve researched companies and with most, I couldn’t get ingredient lists or even location of the product source. They throw around terms like complete, pure, and therapeutic but can’t (or won’t) define what that means. All those words sound good but does it mean that their product really is good? No, It doesn’t.
I was relieved and excited when I discovered Young Living had the Seed to Seal promise. They are transparent about their products, the ingredients, sourcing, and processing. Their Seed to Seal promise focuses on sourcing, science, and standard. They have evidence based research behind their product and its benefits. They use the science to produce and process quality products that meet the highest of standards. They’ve been around longer than any other American essential oil company. They don’t just ask or suggest you trust them, they prove to you that you can trust their products.
So skimp on your ice cream if you want, but don’t skimp on your essential oils!