Do you know a holiday scrooge? Someone who always seems to be grumpy on the holidays? Is it you?
It's not me!
I love the holidays and always have. Halloween is one of my favorites. The earliest halloween I remember was when I dressed up as a Raggedy Anne Bride. I was probably four years old and definitely didn’t choose the costume. It had one of those awful, hot full front face masks with the holes for they eyes. That didn’t matter though, I had so much fun! And….everyone gave me candy! I was rewarded for dressing up and having fun! YES PLEASE!
My favorite costume growing up was….wait for it……Rainbow Bright! I was seven (I think) and I was on top of the world! I felt so cool! My mom made the costume from scratch and it was WAY better than any costume anyone else had! I remember running from house to house and my skirt bouncing as I ran because she had somehow fashioned it so the skirt extended out.
To this day I love dressing up for Halloween. What about you? I am always excited when I pull a costume together on my own. I am not the kind of seamstress my mom was but I can be pretty creative and put something together that will last at least a week.
Why do I love Halloween so much? I love making people look and laugh. I love inspiring creativity. I love to eat chocolate and the reminder to pretend and play.
That’s it really……about why I love any holiday. Holiday’s are the perfect reminders to adults to do things we might forget to do or neglect. Halloween is the reminder to pretend and play. Work and responsibilities keep us so serious. Would most of us dress up and walk the streets with our kids in their costumes if we hadn’t designated a day for it?
I appreciate the reminder for the other holidays coming up too. Thanksgiving is a reminder to appreciate and be thankful. Christmas is a reminder of our roots, traditions and the joy of giving. New Year’s is about fresh starts and organizing. Valentine’s day follows with the reminder to give the loves in your life special attention.
Yes, we should be doing this everyday. Yes we should be able to do this without a holiday…..but would we?
Yes, some of us have less than joyful holiday experiences. Some of us have people we miss and grieve….. but the day doesn’t have to be sad.
If we are proactive we can reset the mood for a holiday. Holidays (anniversaries too) are set dates. We know when they are happening. Spend time in advance figuring out what you could do differently to bring joy into the situation. It’s even better if you can bring your family or friends into the planning. Planning ahead can change dread into a joyful anticipation.
So flip the script! The holidays are are ahead. The dates are set. Put on a costume, start a gratitude journal, add a new person to your holiday shopping list, buy a new planner, and plan intentional time with someone you love. Experience some joyful anticipation!
She says wearing her flower crown….because why not.